Monday, June 16, 2008

Stop that... or I'll BLOG you!!!

I have to make good on my threat - so here I am blogging the faces of A - all at dinner last night to celebrate the end of Dance Season. I just wanted a nice pic of her... was that so much to ask for? You see what I had to put up with before she finally agreed to smile for me!!

After the recital - we headed to Sam's Club, where we picked up a great Patio Furniture set that I eyed last week.... I'll post pics of it later - but while we were there, E & A schemed, and plotted, and convinced us if we all (the four of us) chipped in $40 we could get Rock Band. What a riot - took us going out to the internet to figure out how to get the mic to work (have to have a controller plugged in) but we played until 1am! Crazy fun!!! E's friend E came and played too - she's on drums. (I stink at drums - J ROCKS on the drums! I'm best at Bass.)

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