Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!

That's right - it's been 30 days, and I caught up to J! The night before my birthday, J's parents came up and took us all out for my birthday dinner. We went to Benihana's - I just love a Japanese steakhouse, and watching them cook at my table. I forgot my camera - so the pics we snapped were on my cell phone! E took this cute one of us!

After dinner, J handed E the keys and told her to go pull up the car. A went with her, and as they pulled up in front of the restaurant to pick us up - this is what A was doing! Too funny!!!

A went home with Grandmom and Poppo, and will be heading to the cottage later this week for some "Camp Grandmom" time! E had dance practice, and I had a skating club board meeting - so it was a good thing that we went out the night BEFORE my bday! Although - thanks to my skating friends for celebrating my birthday with me! Christine baked brownies and stuck candles in them for me!! SO very cool!!

I also really enjoyed the e-cards, and the phone calls that came in from all over - Brighton, Grand Rapids, New York, Texas, Shelby Township, Hartland, Warren.... It was so nice to talk to everyone yesterday! And after talking to most of you- I know you are out there reading this... even though you never leave me a comment to let me know you are there!! :-D

Well, off to be 42. Here's hoping it's a good year! (Oh - and I'm counting this as my June 30 photo!)

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