Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Feels like this month has been all about E!

Perhaps it's because A's transition to 7th grade has been easy and smooth, or because she opted not to audition for a show this fall, but this month all events in this household seem to revolve around A's sister E. Although, A was asked to sing a solo at the October Choir concert - so that's pretty exciting!!

Fall is always crazy around here because of Marching Band and JV Dance. It means we're going, going, going pretty much every week/weekend! It's also meant that when I'm home and at the computer - I'm usually trying to get something productive done - and thus, the blog has been a bit neglected!

And, although I've taken probably more photos this month than any other - I don't have most of them, because I acted as the assistant photographer at our Invitational, and I took them all on Lance's camera! But I'll send you some links!

Here are some links to some great shots of E taken by either me or Lance:

At the Game on 9/19:
E in an amazing toe touch during the JV Dance performance at pre-game!

E with Jake Jabootie - the dance team spirit monkey:

A is silly in the stands:

E conducts in her dance team uniform:

At Invitational...
E conducts the band:

E salutes:

E and N lead the band in review after their performance. N's plume fell off as he and Em switched places during the show - too difficult to reattach in the no time that they had!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Oh, the MEMORIES that the band pictures bring back!! I loved marching band when I was in very looooong ago! :-) E looks FABULOUS!!