Takes us a year - but then GLMM weekend arrives and is here and gone in a heartbeat. If you blink - you miss it! If you catch the "plague" from your daughters, and are sick, you save a lot of money, because you have no energy to shop.
Sorry to all the booths I missed because I was too miserable to shop! I did buy my first acrylic album. I can't wait to play with it (but I have to tie up all my loose GLMM ends first!)
I uploaded some awesome pics we took this weekend - first is a shot of my awesome team. I'm missing two members - Margie - who had already left, and Rachel, who unfortunately spent the weekend in the hospital, instead of at the GLMM. WE MISSED YOU! We're glad to hear you are on the mend!!
The next picture is Tara on her new "toy". This made the trips back and forth from one end of the building to the other much more bearable, and I'm sure saved T's tootsies! We all enjoyed the occasional spin - but HOLD ON - because when T hit's the gas - you are OUTTA HERE!!
The next photo is my attempt at an artistic rendering of the brownies I baked for Stacy Julian's birthday. Here's the story.... 45 minutes before I'm set to leave my house for the GLMM - the car is nearly packed, I have a few loose ends to pack up, etc. - I decide to check my computer one last time. I use this thing called "Google Reader" to keep up on the blogs I follow - and it shows me that Stacy has posted! Since she's on her way to DTW that night - I decide to take a quick peek and see if she mentions us and OMG - her post is all about it being her birthday! We had NO IDEA she was flying out to see us on her BIRTHDAY! So, I quick, call Cara and say "we need to get cupcakes or something" and Cara says "NO.... we need BROWNIES! They are her favorite" (and later we find out that she made a whole "Brownie Tracker" scrapbook documenting every brownie she ate in 2007 (darn, we won't be in that album!) Long story short - I have Ghiradelli Brownie Mix in the house -and I whip up a batch of brownies and toss it in the oven - pull out the still warm brownies and make my way to Novi! The brownies were yummy - Stacy was surprised - but best of all - we made Stacy's blog! How fun!!
The final picture is of Me and Tara and Cara finally digging into the Cookie Bouquet that Cara had made for us, depicting our "Scraplympics" girls from the GLMM! I'm eating Rolling Tote Racer, Tara's eating Photographer, and Cara's eating "Runner with Scissors". Those were some yummy cookies - and we enjoyed looking at them all weekend, and then dug in to eat them at the start of tear down. As usual - I was exhausted when the weekend finally came to a close - I wish I didn't have to work so hard and could spend more time just BEING with all my friends that come from all over (Arizona, Wisconsin, Ohio) to work for me for the weekend!
I read John Grisham's "The Appeal" on Monday - I'd been saving it! I also caught up on all my TiVoed shows! I hope to get back to regualar scrapping and blogging now that the GLMM is over for another year! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to all of my family and friends who read this blog, who also come and work the GLMM... I truly appreciate your support for the weekend- It's amazing to me that you all love to come back year after year! I love you guys!!