Friday, May 15, 2009

I wish I had "smell-o-blog"

Because, it's spring, and my front yard is in bloom, and it smells INCREDIBLE!!! My husband has been after me the past few years to cut down the wisteria. It no longer grows in a tree like it was originall trained - it takes over the yard with it's sprawling vines, and is generally a pain in the butt to the lawn mower.... but OH MY HEAVEN.... If you could smell it right now, you'd know why I lie down around it's trunk in protest whenever DH suggests "just cutting it down".

Here is the whole front yard in bloom... I love spring!

My lilacs! I think we overtrimmed them one year, and they don't bloom as well as they used to - but these are smelling great as well!

Said Wisteria.... Isn't it pretty? And it smells like grapes... like yummy purple grapes. Right when I walk out the front door. Mmmmmmmm..... I'm never letting that man cut it down! The Wisteria also attracts the giant bumble bees - you know, the ones that look like they could never fly? I just love seeing those big fat yellow bumblebees buzzing around and pollenating the Wisteria!

We had a mama Robin in residence here in our old, burned out gas lamp. She laid four eggs, and then four little chicks hatched, and squawked for food.... She finally kicked them out of the nest sometime last week. Makes me regret not taking more pictures throughout this whole process. Maybe next year - this old lamp seems to be a favorite spot for Robins.

"When the Apple Blossoms turn to Turnip Greens my little Peach"
Yep - there they are, my apple blossoms! Just love them in the spring (In the fall when all the little crabapples are all over the ground - don't 'love them so much!) But now it's spring, and they are in full bloom, and I love them!! (And they remind me of my Dad.)

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