Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dance Season is Finally Over!!!

Now that A is no longer doing any sort of competition dance, recital weekend isn't quite the ordeal it used to be!!! She was only in 2 shows - only did each of her numbers once - and we didn't even go to one of them - because it was a number we'd already seen both at Access Broadway, and at the Vocal Recital. But Sunday, she was tapping, and we hadn't seen her tap at all this year (one disadvantage of no competitions!)

First, they reprised the "Life Upon the Wicked Stage" number - which was great - because it was the only one I didn't get any photos of at the vocal recital!

Then, it was time for tap!! A is so self-critical, I didn't know what to expect - but she and her class were fabulous! I don't know WHAT she was down on herself about! It was a cute number, with lots of complex tapping - I sure couldn't have kept up!!!

We've agreed - same type of schedule for dance again next year - it was just the right amount - and she does love to tap!!!

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