Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Home from Hawaii

This post is way overdue - but as is the nature of a vacation taken in the middle of your busiest time of year (the classes are up on the Mega Meet site!) I have been buried alive since I got home. But not so buried that I didn't take a few photo my first day home with good intentions of blogging them.... so here they are. (I cheated and back dated the post to the date I MEANT to post it!)
Farewell Hawaii
Goodbye Hawaii!!! On our way out of town to the airport - we saw the most beautiful sunset of our whole trip - and no place to stop and take pictures. E says to her Dad "Is there any way we can stop and just put our feet in the ocean one last time?" So, at the last little beach inlet along Ali'i - he pulls up to the sidewalk - the girls and I hop out - run across the street and while he circles the block to come around and pick us up again - I take a few last photos of us saying goodbye to one of the best vacations we've ever taken! Aloha and Mahalo - we'll miss you Hawaii...

I miss Hawaii - 2
Oh yes.... the very next day at home - I was missing Hawaii in a REALLY BAD WAY. Notice the scenery in Hawaii and then at Home - just 2 days apart.

I miss Hawaii - 1
Then notice my FEET in Hawaii, and at Home. Those are NOT happy feet at home.

I miss Hawaii - 3
and just to prove how unhappy I was at having to put on a sweater - I took a picture of my unhappy face in the bathroom.

boo hoo.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

The sadness of leaving that perfect place will not fade...trust me on that one! Welcome to my world! ;-)

PS- is the megameet site down? I haven't been able to access it for 2 days...?