Thursday, January 24, 2008

National Showcase Coverage Update

US Figure Skating Nationals are in full swing - so they took down the coverage on National Showcase on the home page of - but I still have a direct link to the event page if anyone missed it the first time I posted!

I bought a subscription to Ice Network - and have been enjoying watching some of the events on my computer that won't be broadcast on NBC this weekend (set your TiVo's!!!)

They never did post E's video - just her photo - but if you want to see her Teen Light Championship skate - it's up on my youtube! I'm trying to embed the video below - not sure if I'll be successful!


Anonymous said...

Aren't you spoiled to have TWO talented kids! How can I find the video on youtube? Obviously I can see it here, but I want to comment on it and rank it on too! (This is Anne, btw)

kategrizz said...

Anne - over on the right hand side - there's a link to "My Youtube Channel" - that will take you so that you can click on any of the videos I've uploaded!