Monday, December 3, 2007

Busy Weekend - whew....

Unfortunately every weekend between now and Christmas could earn the post title above. We just have a jam-packed December!!

Friday night was E's 1st Basketball Game with the JV Dance Team. Now, mind you, she danced all football season, but as I'm being educated - Football season is "Pom" style dance, and Basketball is "Hip-Hop" - and Competition is "Jazz". So, it was the first hip-hop dance of the season - not E's favorite style - but she's having fun with it anyway. If I knew how to get photos off of my new phone - I'd post one. But I don't - so you'll just have to suffer!! She was more nervous than I would have expected - compounded by a low blood sugar right before the half. (oh how I wish we could predict those!) I thought she looked great - but she swears she messed up. Ah well. One game down - several more to go!!

Saturday was our home club's Figure Skating competition... Always a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I set up the registration table, and recruit the volunteers for that area, so I was at the rink at 7am. Both E and A competed. E in three events, A in only one - because we expected her to have a rehearsal - but it got cancelled - but not until after it was too close to the competition to change her entry.

E's events were Juvenile Short Program, Juvenile Spins and Pre-Juv/Juvenile Interpretive. (To explain Interpretive - the skaters hear the music 2 times on the warm-up, and then one more time before they skate - they get no input from their coaches to create and perform choreography to this music that they are just now hearing) A competed in Showcase - her best event!

Drumroll please....... the results are - E' took Silver in the Short Program, and Gold in Spins and Interpretive, and A took Silver in Showcase! It was a great day!! To see more photos go here, here, here and here for pics of E (she's in the purple dress) and here for pics of A - she's got the gun.

The competition ended, and the weather nastied up - but we wanted to see the girl's skating buddy M in a local high school production of "The Boyfriend" that night. Luckily the HS and the Rink are only 2 blocks apart - so we walked out of the rink at 7:20, and still easily made the 7:30 performance! It was a delightful show - I had never seen it, although I've heard some of the music in the past.

Sunday - we divided and conquered. E and I back to the rink for the annual Holiday Exhibition and Skate with Santa. (E did a duet with her friend A) - and A to the theater for "Tech Sunday" because her show opens in a week! After the exhibition - E and I had fun skating with Santa, and I think she is impressed with how far her mama has come on those skinny silver blades! She videoed me on her phone doing some "tricks" (which, mind you, are nowhere near as impressive as her "tricks"!)

Then, back to the house for homework, and hanging out - while J and A finished their rehearsal. This week is filled with more rehearsals, band concerts, another basketball game, and the opening of the show!!

Some of the other scrapbook gals whose blogs I follow have made this cute December Journals that they are writing about "slowing down" and "enjoying the season". Ha. I'm just holding on tight and hoping I survive the ride!!! Christmas Tree? I have no idea if and when it will go up!!! This is one "side effect" that we didn't think about when A tried out for a Christmas Season Show!!

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